Basic Linux commands for Oracle DBA With Examples

Basic Linux Commands for Oracle DBA with Examples, Definitions, and Descriptions. A list of basic linux commands for Oracle DBA, along with examples, definitions, and descriptions.

ls command in linux:
Definition: List directory contents.
Description: Linux ls command is used to display the files and directories in the present working directory. You can add options like ls -l, ls -ltr, ls -lrt, ls -la etc to get detailed information, including file size, modification, permissions and ownership.
$ ls
$ ls -l /home/oracle

cd command in linux:
Definition: Change directory.
Description: Linux cd command is used to get inside files, mount points, directories, etc. You just need to specify the relative path of the directory.
$ cd /u01/app/oracle,
$ cd ..

pwd command in linux:
Definition: Print working directory.
Description: Linux pwd command displays the current working directory. And to add -P option to show the physical path.
$ pwd
$ pwd -P

cp command in linux:
Definition: Copy files or directories.
Description: Linux cp command is used to make copy of files or directories.
$ cp file1 file2
$ cp -r /source_directory /destination_directory

mv command in linux:
Definition: Move or rename files or directories.
Description: Linux mv command moves files or directories to a new location or renames files or directories.
$ mv file1 /path/new_location
$ mv old_file_name new_file_name

rm command in linux:
Definition: Remove files or directories.
Description: The linux rm command is used to delete files or directories or to add -rf option to delete them permanently.
$ rm file1
$ rm -rf directory

mkdir command in linux:
Definition: Make directories.
Description: The linux mkdir command creates new directories. And as needed, you can use -p to create parent directories with specified directory path.
$ mkdir new_directory
$ mkdir -p /path/new_directory

rmdir command in linux:
Definition: Remove directories.
Description: Linux rmdir command deletes empty directories. And add the -p option for recursive deletion of parent directories.
$ rmdir empty_directory
$ rmdir -p /path/parent_directory

chmod command in linux:
Definition: Change file permissions.
Description: Linux chmod command modifies file and directory permissions with a specified numeric mode (755) or symbolic mode (u+x).
$ chmod 755
$ chmod u+x file

chown command in linux:
Definition: Change file owner and group.
Description: Linux chown command changes the ownership and group of files or directories with -R option for recursive.
$ chown oracle:dba file
$ chown -R oracle:dba directory

ps command in linux:
Definition: Process status.
Description: Linux ps command displays information about running processes to add option -ef to provide a detailed list of all processes and grep to filter the files.
$ ps
$ ps -ef | grep ora

top command in linux:
Definition: Display system resource usage.
Description: Linux top command shows real-time system resource usage, including CPU, memory, and swap space. Adding options allows filtering processes by user, such as -u oracle.
$ top
$ top -u oracle

grep command in linux:
Definition: Search for patterns in files.
Description: Linux grep command searches for a specified pattern in one or more files and adds the option -r for recursive.
$ grep pattern file
$ grep -r pattern directory

tail command in linux:
Definition: Display the last part of a file.
Description: Linux tail command shows some lines of a file. And add the option -n or -f to allow specifying the number of lines to display.
$ tail file
$ tail -n 20 file

head command in linux:
Definition: Display the first part of a file.
Description: Linux head command shows the first few lines of a file. And to add options -n or -f to allow specifying the number of lines to display.
$ head file
$ head -n 10 file

vi or vim command in linux:
Definition: Text editor.
Description: Linux vi and vim are text editors in Linux. To create and edit text files directly from the command line.
$ vi filename
$ vim + filename

ssh command in linux:
Definition: Secure Shell.
Description: The linux ssh command allows you to connect to a remote server or host. You just specify the username and hostname to connect. And to add the -p option to specify a custom SSH port.
$ ssh root@prodd
$ ssh -p port root@proddb

scp command in linux:
Definition: Secure Copy.
Description: Linux scp command securely copy the files or directories between local host and remote hosts over an SSH connection.
$ scp file root@proddb:/path/destination
$ scp -r directory root@proddb:/path/destination

tar command in linux:
Definition: Tape archive.
Description: The Linux tar command is to create and extract tar archive files. Options like -c to create, -x to extract, and -v to provide verbose output.
$ tar -cvf archive.tar file1 file2
$ tar -xvf archive.tar

crontab command in linux:
Definition: Cron table.
Description: Linux crontab command allows you to create, edit, list, and remove cron jobs with option to Use -e to edit tables and -l to list existing files.
$ crontab -e
$ crontab -l

du command in linux:
Definition: Disk usage.
Description: Linux du command displays disk usage of files and directories. To add the options -h to provides human-readable output, and -s to list the total disk usage.
$ du -h /path/directory
$ du -sh *

df command in linux:
Definition: Disk free.
Description: Linux df command is to displays filesystem disk space usage with add Options -h to provide human-readable output.
$ df -h
$ df -i

free command in linux:
Definition: Memory usage.
Description: Linux free command to show system memory usage. Option -m displays the memory in megabytes.
$ free
$ free -m

uptime command in linux:
Definition: System uptime.
Description: Linux uptime command to display system uptime. Option -p provides a more readable format.
$ uptime
$ uptime -p

netstat command in linux:
Definition: Network statistics.
Description: Linux netstat command to display network connections. To use option -tuln to show listening ports.
$ netstat -tuln
$ netstat -an | grep LISTEN

ifconfig or ip command in linux:
Definition: Network interface configuration.
Description: Linux ifconfig command to display and configure network interface.
$ ifconfig
$ ip addr show

ping command in linux:
Definition: Test network connectivity.
Description: Linux ping command to send requests to a host to test network connectivity. To use option -c to specify the number of packets to send.
$ ping hostname
$ ping -c 5 hostname

traceroute or tracepath command in linux:
Definition: Trace route to destination.
Description: Linux tracerouteor tracepath to Trace the route packets and send to a destination host.
$ traceroute hostname
$ tracepath hostname

nmap command in linux:
Definition: Network mapper.
Description: Linux nmap command to scans hosts and services on a network. To use option -p to specify port ranges to scan.
$ nmap hostname
$ nmap -p 1-1000 hostname

iptables command in linux:
Definition: IP tables.
Description: Linux iptables command to configures packet filter rule in the Linux kernel framework for firewall, NAT, and packet.
$ iptables -L
$ iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP

hostname command in linux:
Definition: Print or set system hostname.
Description: Linux hostname command to display the system’s hostname. To use option -f to show the domain name.
$ hostname
$ hostname -f

date command in linux:
Definition: Print or set system date and time.
Description: Linux date command to display the current system date and time. To use option -u to show Universal Time (UTC).
$ date
$ date -u

who command in linux:
Definition: Print information about logged-in users.
Description: Linux who command to display information about users logged into the system. To use option -u to show idle time.
$ who
$ who -u

history command in linux:
Definition: Command history.
Description: Linux history command to display previously executed list commands. It Can be used to recall and re-run.
$ history
$ history | grep command

shutdown command in linux:
Definition: Shutdown or restart the system.
Description: Linux shutdown command to Initiate a system shutdown. To use option -h now to shutdown immediately and option -r +10 “message” to restart in 10 minutes with a specified message.
$ shutdown -h now
$ shutdown -r +10 “System maintenance”

These basic linux commands for Oracle DBA with examples cover a wide range of basic operations for beginners to use like touch, grep, tail, top, free, scp, ifconfig, history, etc tasks and are essential for managing and troubleshooting Linux systems.

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