Top 30 linux commands with examples, definitions, and descriptions.
The top 30 linux commands with examples, cover a wide range of tasks and are essential for managing and troubleshooting Linux systems.
ls command in linux:
Definition: Lists directory contents.
Description: The ls command is used to display a list of files and directories in the current directory.
$ ls
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cd command in linux:
Definition: Change directory.
Description: The cd command is used to change the current working directory to another directory.
$ cd Documents
pwd command in linux:
Definition: Print working directory.
Description: The pwd command prints the path of the current working directory.
$ pwd
mkdir command in linux:
Definition: Make directory.
Description: The mkdir command creates a new directory.
$ mkdir new_directory
rm command in linux:
Definition: Remove files or directories.
Description: The rm command is used to remove files or directories.
$ rm file.bkp
cp command in linux:
Definition: Copy files or directories.
Description: The cp command copies files or directories from one location to another.
$ cp file.bkp /path/to/destination
mv command in linux:
Definition: Move or rename files or directories.
Description: The mv command moves files or directories to a new location or renames them.
$ mv file.bkp /path/destination
touch command in linux:
Definition: Create an empty file.
Description: The touch command creates a new empty file or updates the access and modification times of an existing file.
$ touch new_file.bkp
cat command in linux:
Definition: Concatenate and display files.
Description: The cat command is used to display the contents of one or more files.
$ cat file.bkp
grep command in linux:
Definition: Search for patterns in files.
Description: The grep command searches for lines matching a specified pattern in one or more files.
$ grep “pattern” file.bkp
head command in linux:
Definition: Display the beginning of a file.
Description: The head command displays the first few lines of a file.
$ head file.bkp
tail command in linux:
Definition: Display the end of a file.
Description: The tail command displays the last few lines of a file.
$ tail file.bkp
chmod command in linux:
Definition: Change file permissions.
Description: The chmod command changes the permissions of a file or directory.
$ chmod 755 file.bkp
chown command in linux:
Definition: Change file ownership.
Description: The chown command changes the owner and group of a file or directory.
$ chown user:group file.bkp
sudo command in linux:
Definition: Execute a command as the superuser.
Description: The sudo command executes a command with superuser (root) privileges.
$ sudo apt-get install package
su command in linux:
Definition: Switch user or become superuser.
Description: The su command switches to another user account or becomes the superuser.
$ su username
apt-get command in linux:
Definition: Package handling utility for Debian-based systems.
Description: The apt-get command is used to install, remove, and manage software packages on Debian-based systems.
$ sudo apt-get install package
yum command in linux:
Definition: Package handling utility for RPM-based systems.
Description: The yum command is used to install, remove, and manage software packages on RPM-based systems.
$ sudo yum install package
tar command in linux:
Definition: Manipulate archive files.
Description: The tar command is used to create, view, extract, and manipulate tar archives.
$ tar -cvf archive.tar files
df command in linux:
Definition: Display disk space usage.
Description: The df command shows the amount of disk space used and available on the file system.
$ df -h
du command in linux:
Definition: Estimate file space usage.
Description: The du command estimates the file space usage of directories or files.
$ du -sh directory
free command in linux:
Definition: Display amount of free and used memory in the system.
Description: The free command shows the amount of free and used memory in the system.
$ free -h
top command in linux:
Definition: Display system activity in real time.
Description: The top command displays system activity, including CPU usage, memory usage, and running processes, in real time.
$ top
ps command in linux:
Definition: Report a snapshot of the current processes.
Description: The ps command reports a snapshot of the current processes running on the system.
$ ps aux
kill command in linux:
Definition: Terminate a process.
Description: The kill command is used to terminate a process by sending a signal to the process.
$ kill PID
ping command in linux:
Definition: Test a network connection.
Description: The ping command is used to test a network connection by sending ICMP echo request packets to a target host.
$ ping
ifconfig command in linux:
Definition: Configure network interfaces.
Description: The ifconfig command displays and configures network interface parameters.
$ ifconfig
scp command in linux:
Definition: Securely copy files between hosts.
Description: The scp command securely copies files between hosts over a network.
$ scp file.bkp root@remote_host:/path/destination
ssh command in linux:
Definition: Secure shell client.
Description: The ssh command allows users to securely connect to a remote server over a network.
$ ssh root@remote_host
wget command in linux:
Definition: Download files from the web.
Description: The wget command is used to download files from the web using HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP protocols.
$ wget
Top 30 linux commands with examples, definitions and descriptions.
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